YouTube Channel Recommendations
I really like YouTube. Because my YouTube is amazing! If you’re careful, you can find so much amazing educational and inspirational content on there. I hope to rapidly grow this list into a catalog of my favourites past and present, so that you can find content without relying on the luck of the algorithm, and start to tune your own recommendations in interesting directions. I’m not including all the channels I like, but rather all the ones I think are underrated or which you might most want to see if you’re interested in a particular topic. Roughly ordering starting with ‘I drop almost everything to watch this’ and down from there.
Clearly very WIP
Applied Science - Ben Krasnow does incredible work and was a big inspiration to teenage me. DIY electron microscopes. Cutting edge materials science. Amazing explanations + demos of science concepts.
Stuff Made Here - Incredible engineerig execution, a level above most engineering channels.
Sebastian Lague - His ‘Coding Adventure’ series is a delight, illustrating graphics or code concepts in a very artistic way. Truly masterful to make hours-loing coding videos so engaging and beautiful.
The Thought Emporium - DIY biohacking, biochemistry, etc. Very mad science vibes, amazing projects.
The crazy chemist club: Cody’s lab, Advanced Tinkering @AdvancedTinkering (cool vacuum stuff too, lots of alkali metal madness), Explosions and Fire/Extractions and Ire, styropyro @styropyro
This Old Tony
@tested (Adam Savage)
David Hilowitz Music - Cool music tech, he makes an amazing free plugin ‘Decent Sampler’ - many videos are “I made/found this quirky instrument, let’s make a song with it, here’s a sample library” all artfully filmed, scored and edited.
BPS Space. Super high-effort videos on rocketry, will bump you into the amateur rocketry rabbit hole.
Hyperspace Pirate - DIY refrigeration content mostly, who knew that was a thing?
Simone Giertz @simonegiertz
Tom Stanton DIY builds, often neat 3D-printed vehicles
Matthias Wandel
Beau Miles
Physics for the birds sharming low-sub channel with a fun aesthetic
S3 @s3_build
Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t @CrimePaysButBotanyDoesnt
Kayakasaurus @Kayakasaurus oddly satisfying little diorama builds and sculptures
Linsey Pollak @SquealyD Amazing DIY instruments, inspirational, geius, hilarious
Nicolas Bras @NicolasBras - same deal, amazing DIY instruments
Colin Furze
James Bruton
Emergent Garden
Guy Dupont @GuyDupont
Bobby Fingers @bobbyfingers
DIY Perks @DIYPerks
Andrej Karpathy @AndrejKarpathy•
TodePond @TodePond
AI Coffee Break with Letitia @AICoffeeBreak
James Gurney @JamesGurney
Corridor Crew @CorridorCrew
IanHubert @IanHubert2
mitxela @mitxela