Paperathon #1


November 29, 2023

Paperathon - 4 hours of paper reading live on Twitch

An experimental livestream reading through papers. A tidy version of the notes from the stream can be found here. Thanks to those who joined the live stream and helped out with the discussion!

Topics w/ timestamps: - 01:00 - Intro + Plan - 06:00 - Orca 2 (and Orca 1) - 20:00 - Emu EDIT - 32:20 - TULU V2 - 49:00 - QLoRA - 1:01:00 - Finding papers - 1:07:10 - System 2 Attention - 1:18:00 - Zephyr - 1:29:20 - DPO - 1:44:30 - cDPO and IPO - 2:00:00 - I-JEPA - 2:33:30 - Luciddreamer (+ dreamfusion, SDS chat, gaussian splitting) - 2:54:40 - MeshGPT - 3:08:20 - Diffusion model roundup - EMU, Dalle-3, Wurstchen, Matryoshka, Pixart, Commoncanvas - 4:00:40 - Recap