Podcast E6 - Wasim Lorgat


January 10, 2023

Podcast E6 - Wasim Lorgat

Wasim talks us through his approach to learning and building projects, touching on NBDev, building on big AI models like CLIP, his project ‘Meepo’, plans for building a new editor for Jupyter. This was the first podcast I’ve been able to record in-person, which was super fun! As mentioned in the outro, let me know what you’d like to see from future episodes, which will likely be intermittent rather than regular -)Links -https://wasimlorgat.com/https://nbdev.fast.ai/https://twitter.com/wasimlorgat,meepo.shop, Mentioned - nbterm and jpterm from @davidbrochart, lexica.art (CLIP-based search over images), FAISS (https://faiss.ai/) for fast vector search,